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Have We Cloned Human Beings, If So, How Does It Work?

The topic of cloning has been at the epicentre of scientific interest, ethical quandaries, and speculative conjecture for quite some time. This discourse aims to offer a comprehensive overview of cloning, elucidate on successful instances of cloning across different species, delineate the underlying mechanisms, and address the conjecture and reports pertaining to the potential cloning…

BOI Solar Power Gets Green Lane Certificate In NUEVA ECIJA

The Board of Investments granted a green lane certificate for FREC’s 463.995 megawatt- floating solar project in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija, costing P22.6 billion. Governor Marjorie Ramos-Samaniego presented the certificate to FREC president Aristotle Natividad, on January 18, 2024. Spanning 500 hectares on Pantabangan Lake, the project will be commissioned in 2025, exporting energy to the…

Romualdez Cooperated With PI Campaign, Admits PIRMA Lead Convenor

The lead convenor of the People’s Initiative for Modernization and Reform Action (PIRMA) admitted that he coordinated with House Speaker Martin Romualdez to allegedly get 3% of the signatures per congressional district for the People’s Initiative (PI) that seeks to promote Charter Change (Cha-Cha). During the hearing held in the Senate regarding the signature campaign…

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